How to vape properly

How To Vape Properly?

Vaping has quickly become a popular alternative to traditional smoking. As this trend grows, so does the need for comprehensive guides on how to properly vape. This article will serve as your detailed guide for the same. If you are looking for high-quality vapes or vape juices, don’t forget to visit our vape shop for more details. 

Understanding Vaping

Before diving into how to vape correctly, it’s essential to understand what vaping is. Vaping entails drawing in and releasing the aerosol, commonly known as vapor, generated by an e-cigarette or a comparable apparatus. The act of using these is often referred to as ‘vaping.’

Choosing the Right Vape

When venturing into vaping, your first step is choosing the right device. The marketplace is inundated with various vape devices, each with strengths and drawbacks. The main categories are vape pens, vape mods, and pod vapes. Your selection should align with your lifestyle, budget, and vaping preferences.

How Many Puffs of Vape a Day Is OK?

Determining how many puffs of a vape per day is considered “okay” is highly subjective and depends on various factors, including the individual’s vaping habits, device, and e-liquid strength.

If you’re using vaping as a replacement for traditional smoking, a common approach is to match the number of puffs with how many cigarettes you previously consumed. For instance, if you used to smoke a pack a day (about 20 cigarettes), you might equate one cigarette to about ten puffs from a vape, leading to around 200 puffs a day.

However, it’s crucial to consider the nicotine content in your e-liquid. Some vapes deliver more nicotine per puff than others. Therefore, you might find that you need fewer puffs to satisfy your cravings.

Remember, the goal for many vapers, especially those using it to quit smoking, is to gradually reduce the number of puffs taken daily. It’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional or a vaping expert if you’re unsure about your consumption.

Keep in mind that while vaping is generally considered less harmful than smoking, it still has potential health risks, especially with heavy use.

How to Properly Vape: Preparing Your Device

Now, let’s dive into the main focus of this article: how to vape correctly. The first step is to prepare your device. Ensure the vape tank is clean and properly assembled. Fill it with your preferred e-liquid, but be careful not to overfill. If your device uses replaceable coils, ensure they’re correctly installed and primed.

How to Properly Hit a Vape: The Technique

Hitting a vape is a learned skill. Follow these steps to master it:

  • Power on your device: Most vapes are activated by pressing the firing button.
  • Draw gently: Begin by taking a slow and steady draw from the mouthpiece.
  • Hold the vapor: Keep it in your mouth for a few seconds before inhaling or inhaling it into your lungs.
  • Exhale: Exhale the vapor slowly.

How to Inhale a Vape Correctly: Two Methods

When it comes to inhaling vape, there are two common methods: mouth-to-lung (MTL) and direct-to-lung (DTL).

  • Mouth-to-Lung (MTL): This method is most common among beginners. It involves drawing the vapor into your mouth and holding it for a few seconds before inhaling it into your lungs. This method provides a smooth throat hit and maximizes flavor.
  • Direct-to-Lung (DTL): This method involves inhaling the vapor directly into your lungs, similar to taking a deep breath. This method is common among experienced vapers and produces significant cloud production.

How to Vape with the Right Nicotine Strength? 

Choosing the correct nicotine strength for your vape can significantly impact your overall vaping experience. It plays a vital role in satisfying your cravings if you’re transitioning from traditional smoking. So, how do you vape with the right nicotine strength? Here are a few key factors to consider.

Assess Your Smoking Habit

If you’re a former smoker, start by assessing your previous smoking habits. Heavy smokers often need higher nicotine strength, while occasional smokers can usually start with lower levels.

Understand Nicotine Strengths

E-liquids come in various nicotine strengths, ranging from 0mg (no nicotine) to 50mg (very high nicotine, usually in nicotine salts). The typical strengths are 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, and 18mg, offering a gradual scale to suit your needs.

Consider Your Device

The type of vape device you use can also impact the nicotine strength you should choose. Pod systems or mouth-to-lung devices work well with higher nicotine levels due to their lower power and vapor output. On the other hand, sub-ohm devices or direct-to-lung vapes usually require lower nicotine levels as they produce a larger amount of vapor.

Experiment and Adjust

Finding the right nicotine strength may take some trial and error. You might need to experiment with different strengths to find one that satisfies your cravings without causing discomfort. The nicotine strength might be too high if you experience a harsh throat hit or feel lightheaded. Conversely, if you find yourself vaping continuously without feeling satisfied, you might need a higher nicotine strength.

Remember, the goal for many vapers is to gradually reduce their nicotine consumption over time, eventually reaching zero. Always ensure to monitor your body’s response and adjust accordingly to maintain a satisfying and safe vaping experience.

Adjusting Your Settings

Depending on your device, you may be able to adjust settings like wattage and temperature. Finding the proper settings is key to learning how to vape correctly. Higher wattage will produce more vapor but can potentially lead to harsher hits. Adjust these settings until you find your preferred vaping experience.

Maintenance and Safety

Regular device maintenance is essential to properly hit a vape and keep your experience enjoyable. This includes cleaning the tank, changing the coil, and regularly charging the battery. Remember that safety is paramount. Keep your device away from water and extreme temperatures.

Respect Etiquette

Lastly, be mindful of your surroundings. Not everyone appreciates the smell of vape clouds. Vape in designated areas and respect the rules of any establishment you’re in.

In conclusion, learning how to vape correctly involves understanding what vaping is, choosing the right device, preparing your device correctly, mastering the technique, choosing your inhalation method, adjusting your settings, maintaining your device, and respecting etiquette. This process might seem daunting initially, but with practice, you can easily master it and make your vaping experience enjoyable.